Do's and Dont's About TENGA EGGs
Like the TENGA onacups, TENGA eggs arent exactly designed for frequent repeated masturbation use. Well, chances are you may use them more than once if you are gentle with them. And more importantly, you must remember to wash them out properly and have them dried completely. Or you can just thrash it - simple and fuss-free.
Three good reasons why they are the most preferred masturbators:
1. Easy to use - and they are so versatile, they can be stretched to cover the entire penis!
2. Discreet and innocent - like other sex toys by Tenga, the Tenga Eggs looks discreet yet full of fun. Sweet!
3. Re-useable - to a certain extend, you can re-use the Tenga Egg for some time so it is value for money in a sense
Otherwise you may turn it out and put it over your head (not recommended) and make it into a mask for your upcoming costume party... You just need to remember to make air-holes so you can breathe and your also better come up with pretty convincing explanation for your unique mask.