Health professionals believe that self-stimulation can relieve depression, restore self-esteem (build up personal confidence), improve relationship (particularly where one partner has a higher sex drive), and allows the couple to 'map their pleasure centers'. Mutual masturbation also allow couples to please each other for sexual release as frequently as desired without the inconveniences or the risks associated with penetrative sex. In other words, masturbation can be a preferred alternative to sex as it has the ability to protect individuals from the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (or STDs) such as HIV and AIDs.
As an added benefit, some professionals even consider masturbation as a excellent form of cardiovascular workout, and a great way to relieve stress. Orgasm (or sexual climax) from sex or masturbation will cause one to be in a relaxed and contented state and in turn, can promote sleep as well.
So the next time anyone caught you masturbating and attempts to lecture you on the 'evil' or sin of masturbation, tell them to read this article and correct their misconceptions. More importantly, ask them why something that 'feels this good can be so bad'? Explain to them that what you are doing is but a natural, and healthy substitute for sex. Tell them that masturbation is just a safety valve against destructive sexual frustration - unless of course they want to have sex with you instead? (Oops!)