The world is waiting literally for the latest invention from Tenga! While many had wondered if the Fliphole and the Tenga Egg is all there is, we are delighted when news about the Tenga Fliplite (or Tenga Flip Lite as some names it) hit the streets and are already being marketed by tengatango.com
The Tenga Fliplite is a miracle:
1. It is compact and light - which makes it easy to carry around because as many men knows, there's no telling when the mood will strike. And it is not surprizing too since there's no telling when the men will come across something highly arousing. Tenga does live up to its name when it claimed they invented 'the future of masturbation'. Wink! Wink!
2. Combines the best features of the Tenga onacup (or Tenga Onanism cups as it is called in Japan), with the highly adaptive Tenga Fliphole. Currently men have to choose between something that offers the best sensations (the cups) or something reuseable (Fliphole, Black Fliphole). With the coming introduction of the Tenga Fliplite, the guys can have it their way, or in other words, the 'best of both world'. Sweet!
3. Availale in 2 variations: Options can be a good thing but it does leave us spolit for choice sometimes. The lauch will see both the Black Fliplite(Solid Black) and the White Fliplite (Melty White). Maybe it is a good idea to just grab both! Check out the offer at tengatango.com
Order Tenga Fliplite Here: http://tengatango.ecrater.com/product.php?pid=7324385