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Monday, December 7, 2009

Naughty or Nice? TENGA Christmas Sale

TENGA Christmas Sale 2009
now till 2-Jan-2010

Since the launch of TENGA products in Japan, thousands of men have enjoyed the unparallel pleasures offered by the seemingly innocent-looking cups. And the world is continually amazed at the innovative inventions introduced by the Japanese company. At tengatango.com, we continually strive to offer you the best deal for TENGA. Besides delivering to you wherever you are (or where your man were), we also do it discreetly and quickly too. Your pleasure is our FIRST priority! Instead of "Ho! Ho! Ho!", how about some "Oohh... Oohh... Ooh....!" this Christmas? It really does not matter whether you have been naughty or nice all year round. Have it both NAUGHTY and NICE this Christmas season - a real treat ONLY at tengatango.com!

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