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Showing posts with label fliphole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fliphole. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The prostate produces a fluid that is incorporated into ejaculation, which activates sperm and prevents them from sticking together. Studies show that carcinogens like 3-methylchloranthrene can be harbored in the prostate. Frequent ejaculation encourages the cancer-inducing fluids to "flush out." The Advocate

Over the recent years, Tenga has captured much attention from media, and even health authorities as the preferred alternative to safe sex. Even safer than the condom.

More information about the latest offer is at the webstore at eCrater: http://tengatango.ecrater.com/

Prostate cancer is still one of the worst enemy of men, killing many year after year. So for good sexual health, have more sex, more often and have at least one Tenga products handy (pun intended). Ideal for instant pleasure too when the urge strikes.

If busted, mention that it is doctor's orders anyway.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The real sexual pleasure by TENGA is more than just realism

TENGA offers sexual pleasure unlike other sex toys because every Tenga is made to maximise your sexual pleasure.

Let's not kid ourselves... pleasure IS important. Sex for the sake of procreating is just an excuse for the naive. Sex is one of the most pleasurable activity you can experience with someone special, or alone.

Sex makes us feel loved all over again, release tensions, helps us to sleep better, connect with the other person, and allows us to indulge in our fantasy, estascy, or alternative reality.

Tenga is made with that sole purpose of giving pleasure. Nothing else matters except for the aesthetic design to make them look stylish, cool and ultra discreet.

Remember that each invention at Tenga is the result of lots of experimentations and a good understanding of the male anatomy, and the desire to create a worldclass product so as not to let the many fans down. See http://www.facebook.com/wwwtengatangocom

Tenga is also responsible for allowing some men the pleasure they have longed for so long but are not getting enough, or wants to spice things up in the bedroom when their spouse or partner have ran out of ideas.

One happy shopper remarked in an email to us last week: "your deep throat cup reminds me of my first blowjob with my ex. My current partner does nothing like that. I look forward to try the rest of your Tenga products."

Another wrote: "I have the most wonderful orgasms - yes 4 in fact within 36 hours. Now my d*ck is sore but I want one more go with my Fliphole before I go to work."

Tenga allow you to enjoy sensual experience you can only dream of but now they are possible.

All you need now is some quality solo time all by yourself. Wink!

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Fliplite Miracle from Tenga

The world is waiting literally for the latest invention from Tenga! While many had wondered if the Fliphole and the Tenga Egg is all there is, we are delighted when news about the Tenga Fliplite (or Tenga Flip Lite as some names it) hit the streets and are already being marketed by tengatango.com

The Tenga Fliplite is a miracle:

1. It is compact and light - which makes it easy to carry around because as many men knows, there's no telling when the mood will strike. And it is not surprizing too since there's no telling when the men will come across something highly arousing. Tenga does live up to its name when it claimed they invented 'the future of masturbation'. Wink! Wink!

2. Combines the best features of the Tenga onacup (or Tenga Onanism cups as it is called in Japan), with the highly adaptive Tenga Fliphole. Currently men have to choose between something that offers the best sensations (the cups) or something reuseable (Fliphole, Black Fliphole). With the coming introduction of the Tenga Fliplite, the guys can have it their way, or in other words, the 'best of both world'. Sweet!

3. Availale in 2 variations: Options can be a good thing but it does leave us spolit for choice sometimes. The lauch will see both the Black Fliplite(Solid Black) and the White Fliplite (Melty White). Maybe it is a good idea to just grab both! Check out the offer at tengatango.com

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

TENGA on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and More

Recently it came upon us that we have loads of fans on Facebook who are supporters of TENGA. It is heartwarming and erotic perhaps that there are so many people who have already know about Tenga from tengatango.com

At the moment, tengatango.com has over 1600 fans and still counting! Tenga is also on Twitter http://twitter.com/tengatango as well.

Tenga started in Japan as a quiet and relatively unknown sex toy maker in Tokyo Japan. The founder was also said to borrow money to make his invention. Fortunately for him (and for us) he managed to raise the necessary capital to produce the most awesome sex toy the world have ever seen. Users who tried them were impressed and equally impressed are those who have seen the product videos about the various Tenga creations.

The videos can be found here:

More videos under the user: http://www.youtube.com/user/wwwtengatangocom

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Friday, September 4, 2009

This is the upcoming new product from Tenga which will hit the shelves in Sep 18, 2009.

Pre-orders are being accepted at http://www.tengatango.com

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Friday, March 27, 2009

TENGA EGGs - now available at tengatango.com

TENGA EGG is now available for sale at tengatango.com
After a long wait this latest sex toy is now available to fans in Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia.

Combo promotions at the moment:
1. TENGA FLIPHOLE and EGG (Set of 3)
One unit of TENGA FLIPHOLE and 3 units of EGGs for just US$149.90 only!

2. TENGA (5 piece Pleasure Pack) and EGG (Set of 3)
Five TENGA cups from the Red Series (Deep Throat cup, Soft Tube cup, Rolling Head cup, Double Hole cup, and Air Cushion cup) and a set of 3 EGGs - all for just US$149.90 (includes FREE DELIVERY).

TENGA EGG (Set of 3)
Three TENGA EGGs at a special price of only US$59.90

TENGA EGG (Set of 6)
Promotional Price! Only US$79.90 for 6 Eggs

TENGA EGGs - now available at tengatango.com

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TENGA WALL PAPERS: Flip Hole, Red Series Onacups, Black and White Deep Throat Cups

These ultra cool wallpapers are designed by the creative talents of tengatango.com

TENGA cups are the sex toys that is taking the world by storm cos of the non-suggestive designs (especially Flip Holes for instance) yet highly functional masturbating gadgets (aka masturbators) are able to effectively satisfy a very basic human need... Visit http://www.tengatango.com/ for details or buy at http://www.tengatango.ecrater.com/

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